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Due to the nature of this curriculum area, Art and Design monitoring takes various forms. A key component of this is pupil voice; school leaders use pupil voice as an effective tool to ascertain the pupils’ ability to express themselves through a range of different mediums. Sketch book monitoring throughout all year groups also takes place to compliment this, allowing leaders to ensure our artists have the opportunity to develop their skills fully and showcase their talents. Examples of our artists’ work is exhibited throughout the school, both on classroom and communal displays.

In Reception, all children have a personalised ‘Learning Journey’ using Tapestry, which is used to record learning from all areas of learning across the year. Teachers use this evidence to ensure that all children are making progress and attaining well. Where children are not meeting expected standards, teachers provide additional support where appropriate.

On entry to Year 1, children discover and learn more about Art and Design and are introduced to sketch books. 

On entry to Year 2 and beyond, all acquired knowledge and experimentation of skills linked to Art and Design  is recorded in sketchbooks. To ensure that all children make progress in Art and Design Technology, Teachers and pupils use an evaluation process (1. Quantity and quality of participation, 2. Progression 3. Attainment and ability) in sketchbooks to assess ongoing attainment and progress. Progress is monitored using a ‘Progression of Skills’ document which forms part of the school’s Art Curriculum map.

Due to the subjective nature of Art, after initial teaching of skills has been imparted in a variety of media according to topic, older children in the school are encouraged to choose medium that enable them to meet the objective. In some circumstances (for example clay or charcoal), children may need to choose a medium that supports prevention of triggers. Where mobility is challenging, different size mediums are used to support. SEND children are encouraged to take ownership of their own work and celebrate their achievements. Throughout their sketchbooks, there should be clear progression of skills and expression in any medium they have chosen.
