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To ensure that all children, regardless of their starting points, gain a love of Science. As well as this, they will acquire the appropriate age-related knowledge linked to the Science curriculum along with the skills to best equip them to progress further throughout their education and everyday lives.


We aim to ensure that all pupils:


  • Develop a keen interest in questioning and learning about the world around them through an engaging and fun curriculum centred on investigation and varied experiences.


  • Are able to access and contribute to lessons, regardless of abilities, due to well-planned, inclusive lessons with a clear development of skills and knowledge.


  • Gain a rich scientific vocabulary and be able to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.


  • Develop a wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding, and scientific enquiry/investigative skills.


  • Can work effectively independently – trying out their own ideas and in a team – sharing ideas and roles.


  • We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
  • Marking children’s work
  • Observations and discussions
  • Pupil focus groups
  • Book scrutiny
  • Learning walks & observations
  • Assessment