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Our Christian Character

How Can You Tell We Are A Church School?


High Wycombe Church of England School is a Church of England voluntary aided school affiliated to the Oxford Diocese. As a church school, High Wycombe Church of England School aims to develop its religious character taking into account the principles of the Church of England and promotes Christian values through the experience we offer to all our pupils. Strong Christian values are at the heart of our work and central to the ethos of the school’s teaching and learning. One of the broad aims of the School is to help children learn that our Christian values are essential qualities. 


Our School is linked with seven churches in High Wycombe and once a week we have clergy collective worship which is led by a member of the clergy from one of the seven churches. One of the churches is All Saints Church and the children worship there as a school community at Christmas, Harvest and Easter. The children also participate in key Christian events in school and present assemblies and other performances to their families and the community.


The seven churches that our school is linked with are as follows:


All Saints, High Wycombe

Christ the Servant King

St. Andrews, Hatters Lane

St. Mary's and St. George's, Sands

St. Anne's and St. Peters

St. James', Downley

St. Francis of Assisi, Terriers

What Do Our Children Think About our Christian Character?



We spoke to some of the children at High Wycombe Church of England school and asked them what ways they think we best demonstrate our six Christian values throughout school life. Here is what they had to say:


  • Our uniform is smart and warm and shows we are part of a good school that we RESPECT and want to attend.
  • We think we have great teachers who help us learn well to prepare us for when we are older and when we go to work – we TRUST them to give us a good education.
  • The children here are kind and friendly and we all have lots of friends – new children settle in quickly. This shows COMPASSION and RESPECT.
  • We have got lots of good equipment to help us play and learn – playground equipment, sports resources, computers which we are thankful for - THANKFULNESS.
  • We feel safe and protected here – the school is a place of PEACE and TRUST.
  • We are taught that we don't always make the right choices and that sometimes our friends make us mad, but we should always forgive them because that's what Christians do - FORGIVENESS.
  • Our collective worship is something that many other schools don’t have and worship and praying brings us closer to God. Collective worship helps us with ALL SCHOOL VALUES.
  • Being a Christian is all about looking after others and helping them and everything we have said shows this – ALL SCHOOL VALUES.