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Philosophy at HWCE

At High Wycombe Church of England School, philosophy is taught termly. During godly play, half of the class take part in godly play and the other half are taught a philosophy lesson and then they switch. 


Here are some of the principles that underlie philosophy for children. They are based around helping children and young people become more thoughtful, curious and reasonable. 


  • Good thinking is learned from dialogue with others.
  • Children need to take part in dialogues that provide examples and models of good thinking .
  • Claims should be tested in argument. Argument is seen not as a quarrel but as a collaborative search for the best answer to a question.
  • To think well is to be creative as well as critical. Creative thinkers make connections, speculate and explore alternatives.
  • Good thinking depends on attitudes as well as abilities. Children should be encouraged to be reasonable in the fullest sense of the word.
  • People make sense of the the world though a web of concepts. We should talk with children about significant concepts.
  • It is good for children and adults to talk together about philosophical questions — questions that matter and that link thinking about one area of experience to thinking about experience as a whole.


Philosophy is designed to enable to develop children's thinking in the following ways:

  1. Encourage Questioning
  2. Develop Concepts through open ended discussions
  3. Encourage dialogue and positive argument
  4. Work for reasonableness through enquiry 