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Spring Term




Godly Play is a child centred, “wondering” approach to RE teaching. It encourages, challenges and nourishes their spiritual quest as well as enriching their biblical knowledge. Stories are shared using plain wooden figures and simple scripts, the children are then given the opportunity to question and respond through discussion, play and art.

The children at HWCE School have one session of Godly Play each term. Here is a short description of the stories covered by the children in their Godly Play sessions this term.


Noah’s Ark (Year R)

The story of Noah and the Ark presented simply, focussing on God’s relationship with Noah.


Moses (Year 1)

In this presentation we look at the story of Moses, and discuss how God chose him to lead the people of God from slavery to the Promised Land. We will focus on the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, and Moses’ determination and persistence in persuading Pharaoh to “Let my People Go”.


Feeding the 5000 (Year 2, 3, 4, 5)


This story recalls the events of one of Jesus’ most well-known miracles. Jesus was preaching to the people and as the crowd grew and time passed, the people grew hungry and needed feeding. Jesus took the only food available to him- five loaves and two fishes- and shared it with everyone. Everyone had enough to eat, and there were twelve baskets of leftovers.

Discussion and wondering will probably focus on the purpose of miracles and the effect they would have had on anyone who witnessed them.  



Exile and Return (Year 6)

This session summarises a significant chunk of the Old Testament; the journey of God’s people through the desert and their eventual return to Jerusalem. They travelled hundreds of miles and their journey took many years. Their search taught them that God is everywhere, not just in one place. They faced many hardships but God was with them throughout their journey.
