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Summer Term




Godly Play is a child centred, “wondering” approach to RE teaching. It encourages, challenges and nourishes their spiritual quest as well as enriching their biblical knowledge. Stories are shared using plain wooden figures and simple scripts, the children are then given the opportunity to question and respond through discussion, play and art.

The children at HWCE School have one session of Godly Play each term. Here is a short description of the stories covered by the children in their Godly Play sessions this term.


Good shepherd (Year R)


This is a parable and like all parables in Godly Play is presented in a golden box. It tells of the shepherd who leads his sheep safely to still waters, green pastures and through dark and dangerous places and is prepared to lay down his life to protect his sheep when a wolf attacks. It also tells of the lost sheep, and how the shepherd searches and searches until the sheep is found. The children are encouraged to name the sheep used in the story.


Good Samaritan (Year 1)


This is a parable, and like all parables in Godly Play is presented in a golden box (see above). It tells of a man travelling along a rocky path who is attacked and badly injured. A Priest and a Levite both pass him by, but he is helped and cared for both short term and long term by a Samaritan who is a stranger from another country. The children are encouraged to wonder who is neighbourly to whom in the story, which in turn leads to questions about who is our neighbour today.


Ten Mystery of Pentecost (Year 2, 3, 4, 5)


In spite of its title, this presentation starts in Genesis with the story of the Tower of Babel, when the people of God were scattered and their languages confused. When the disciples were given the gift of the Holy Spirit, they were given the gift of tongues and different languages were no longer a barrier. As well as the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples, we will discuss the Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity, and how it may manifest itself in our lives.


Bible Bookcase (Year 6)


This presentation presents the Bible as not one book but a collection or “bookcase” of books. We will discuss the different genres of bible books, and where all the presentations in the Godly Play room can be found.
