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Week 4

This week the children got to grips with using a number line and the 'part-whole' model in maths and continued practising number bonds. The children played 10 pin bowling to practise bonds to 10 and made their own part-whole models. 

In literacy, they shared the story of Knuffle Bunny, the unfortunate rabbit who was stuck in a washing machine! They wrote super speech bubbles for the baby in the story - in baby language and English.

In science they looked at how different animals move.

I was really proud of them at our Harvest Festival, they sang well and were super in church.


I have a confession to make - due to a technical hitch (leaving the iPad in school!) I can't put photos on till Monday - apologies 🙄 However I can upload some photos of a bear in a bin (spotted at Morrisons) which may remind the children of the story, ‘This is the Bear’!

This is the the bin!


Planning a story
