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Miss Jones and Mrs Waldron - Japan - The Final Day!

Hi all!!

It seems unbelievable that we are on our last day in Japan - the time has gone so quickly and yet we have crammed so much into a week it feels like we have been here so much longer!


Today we have been treated to a day at a Junior High School - new territory for us! This was the first school we had seen that had a female principal (headteacher!) She was amazing and so was her English - we didn't actually need our translators that day!


The children we met were exceptionally well behaved. We observed lessons in Science - they were exploring the phases of the moon  - it was very similar to the work Year 5 do! The next lesson we looked at was an English lesson:  they were learning numbers to 20 and they then turned round and introduced themselves in English! 


After a short break (and some green tea!) we were taken to a massive hall where there were nearly 100 students waiting for us with questions about different aspects of school life  - and a film crew!! I went to talk to a group about 'school life' and Miss Jones went to talk about 'sport'. They had already prepared at least two questions and their English was amazing! 


After this we were taken to the school cafeteria where were served an incredible meal of noodles, meat, locally grown sweetcorn in butter and soy sauce and ice cream with marshmallow - this was delicious but very difficult to eat with chopsticks whilst trying to be polite! We learnt how to say 'Oyshi katta des' - 'That was delicious' which went down well with the chef!


The head then took us up to the roof to enjoy the views which were stunning!  All too soon it was time to leave and make our way back to the Japanese British Council Headquarters in IIdabashi. 

After a debrief session we left to enjoy what was left of our time in Tokyo. We decided to go to Harajuku - an area famous for it's flamboyant dress sense -  we were very under dressed (for once!) but enjoyed looking at the incredible costumes and shoes!! 


Dinner was another great culinary experience and we were lucky enough to be joined again by a Tokyo local who helped us navigate our way through the seemingly never ending menu!!

We then headed back to Suidabashi - and a karaoke session (when in Tokyo....!!). it was great fun - and a perfect way to round up an amazing week. We are now all packed and ready to head off to Narita airport bright and early!! 


We can honestly not believe that this is the end of our time in Japan. We have felt incredibly honoured to have met such such lovely, warm and welcoming people. It has been a fantastic experience!!

So, until Monday (when we find out how your week has gone!!) 




Mrs Waldron and Miss Jones 
