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Mrs. Waldron and Miss Jones Arrive Safely in Japan

Hi all,

Mrs Waldron and Miss Jones have arrived safely in the Land of The Rising Sun!

After a long journey and missing an entire night's sleep we have finally made it through our first day. This afternoon was our only designated sight seeing time. Despite our lack of sleep we pushed on through to make sure we could experience some of the Japanese culture.

We started by having lunch in a traditional Japanese buffet restaurant where we challenged ourselves to try all kinds of new food - some nice and some more of an acquired taste! 

After lunch we visited Ueno Park in Tokyo and visited a Shinto shrine and temple as well as seeing some spectacular scenery. The park was incredible and despite a little rain we managed to take in the beauty of our surroundings. We then had the opportunity to sample Ocha (Green Tea) and later for dinner we went to a Yakitori restaurant and tasted some of the local delicacy. 

We have barely seen any other tourists so have had a real insight into Japanese life and culture. The people are so friendly and go out of their way to assist you in any way they can. They have made us so welcome and we are even managing to learn some of the Japanese language. This is proving challenging. However, the Japanese are so pleased when you try that we are making an effort to be brave and learn from our mistakes as we go! Thank You Kye Takeuchi-Brown for teaching us some useful phrases we have already used one or two of them!!

Tomorrow we are heading to the British council for briefings and then to Tokyo University where we will be sharing presentations with local officials about our school and education in the UK. We have interpreters so hope we will be ok!

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend - Check back tomorrow to see how the day at the university went!


Miss Jones and Mrs Waldron

p.s. Children you would be fascinated by the toilets here - There are many buttons you could press one of which plays music!! Do you think this will catch on in England?