High Wycombe Church of England School is a loving, caring and inclusive environment, which is shaped by our strong Christian ethos that enables all our children to be independent, confident, resilient learners, respectful within the school and wider world; encouraging all to flourish. We invite applications for admissions without reference to the ability or aptitude of the child. We welcome children irrespective of whether they are of the Christian faith, another faith or no faith; subject to the oversubscription criteria.
Tours for prospective parents are run at the beginning of the school year, during our Open Morning. The tours are led by our capable Year 6 children who can provide their own unique perspectives and experiences of life at HWCE. During these tours, parents will find out more about the school, see classes in action and can ask the children questions about their school life. Prior to the tours, you will receive a talk led by Mrs Hawkins, our Head Teacher, and our Early Years Lead, where they will discuss the school’s ethos and provisions.
To arrange, please contact Mrs Moorhouse in the school office on 01494 524220. There are also tours available throughout the year; subject to staff availability.
If you would like to apply to High Wycombe Church of England Combined School, please see full details of our admission arrangements in the Admission Policies tab above.
If you require any further information about admissions or wish to receive paper copies of the documents listed below, please contact the school office on 01494 524220.
Please note the catchment area for High Wycombe Church of England Combined School is the Ecclesiastical Boundaries for the High Wycombe Team Ministry (Please find a map showing these boundaries in the ‘Catchment Map’ tab above). Discrepancies may exist between the Bucks County Council website 'Find My School', or any other similar websites, and the school catchment map. Please refer to the map showing these boundaries in the ‘Catchment Map’ tab above. If you have any questions regarding the school catchment area please contact the school office for clarification.