Monitoring Impact of the Curriculum:
At the end of each term assessment data is gathered and progress is checked by the senior leadership team, alongside the class teacher, and actions for supporting underperformance and challenge are put in place. Children are expected to make good or better progress in all subjects and this individual progress in the core subjects is tracked and reported to parents and carers at parents evening and in the end of year report.
Our children enjoy school and lessons, this is demonstrated by our high attendance levels, and we believe this early love of learning stimulates children to become life-long learners. Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, independence, confidence, resilience and good behaviour.
Our children will have a confident set of skills, knowledge, norms and Christian values, which can be used to get ahead in education and life more generally. They will have strong communication skills, both written and verbal, and will listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others. They will take pride in all that they do, always striving to do their best. They will demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge. They will develop a sense of self-awareness and become confident in their own abilities. They will be kind, respectful and honest, demonstrate inclusive attitudes and have a sense of their role in our wider society in short, they will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and develop more spiritually, socially and emotionally, thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education.