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Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

 Our curriculum is under-pinned by our vision and is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of

 all children, encouraging all to flourish. It provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, resilient and     successful learners, who know how to be respectful and how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider     

 society. Every child is  recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school community.


Curriculum Planning

Our curriculum encompasses not only the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, but a wide range of enrichment opportunities to engage and deepen learning to ensure that our curriculum best meets the learning and developmental needs of the children in our school. We have worked together to provide a curriculum that promotes a sense of belonging and confident self-motivated pupils, eager for lifelong learning. We use a growth mindset approach to enable the children to develop the life skills required for the next stage of their learning journey and the world of work. Key skills and activities to promote and refine these skills such as resilience, teamwork, independence and creativity are embedded and assessed through our curriculum


The assessment of these life skills considers how we develop pupils’ language and cultural capital. It is very important that our pupils appreciate the wealth of experiences and opportunities that life presents, knowing that not everyone has a chance to experience these. Each year group has trips, visitors and a wide range of extracurricular opportunities. Year 5 and 6 pupils experience water sports off site and take part in a residential visit to an Outdoor Adventure Centre.


As a church school, we use the curriculum to find ways to explore pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and culturally development. Subject leaders ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum especially the most disadvantaged and SEND pupils. We aim to provide opportunities to ensure pupils acquire knowledge, which they can retain in long term.


Subject leads have worked with all staff and produced a subject overview as well as a curriculum map to ensure full coverage of the national curriculum and provide an overview of what the children will be learning in each year group.


A progression of skills has been developed for each subject. Topics have been selected to enable children to develop these skills within each subject area as they progress though the school; staff identify which skills to focus on for each curriculum area at appropriate levels for the children in their class.


Each year a curriculum overview is produced, which provides more detail of what the children will be learning and some of the planned activities.
