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Trip to Hampton Court Palace - Tudor topic.

Geographical survey of High Wycombe town centre.

Outdoor Science - Investigating Sound

Composing birthday songs for the Queen in Year 4

Cross-curricular writing peer assessment with Ms Mendes

RE Outdoor learning - Role-play and freeze frame based on making the right choices

Year 4 Journalists/Outdoor Learning - we have been finding out about the chicks which have arrived in school, ready to write news reports this week and using the outdoor classroom to discuss our findings.

Brain Awareness day

Year 4 had a fun Brain Awareness day. We got to talk about some of earliest and favourite memories and why some memories are stronger than others. We also looked at ways to help us remember things and strengthen our memory skills. We used story mapping and alphabet lists with our Year 1 Buddy class and both ways helped us to remember a lot more than we thought!

Year 4 Science day and Outdoor Learning

In Year 4, we faced the challenge of designing and making our own space vehicle or device that could go on a mission to another planet to take samples of the soil or rock to analyse back at base. This would help space geologists to discover how the planet was created, how old it is and if there was ever life on it. We worked in teams to complete the challenge and then went out to the garden area to test our creations...

Book Week

Welcome to Hawks Class!

Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Year 4 Trip to hazard Alley
