History teaching at High Wycombe Church of England School has a wide application to everyday life, teaching the children to enjoy learning about the past and to have a better understanding of the society in which they live. It is our intention that children will be able to confidently communicate how aspects of life and society have changed through time.
The aims of teaching history in our school are:
• To inspire pupils’ curiosity to discover more about the past and to develop an understanding that enables them to enjoy all that history has to offer;
• To enable children to know about significant events in British history and to appreciate how things have changed over time;
• To develop a sense of chronology;
• To know and understand how the British system of democratic government has developed and, in so doing, to contribute to a child’s citizenship education;
• To understand how Britain is part of a wider European culture and to study some aspects of European history;
• To have some knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world;
• To help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage;
• To develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation, debate, interpretation, problem solving and presentation.