This overview will be updated weekly so you can find out all about what we have been doing for lent!
Each day the children take it in turns to pick a tent challenge card out of a hat.
5/3- Make an extra effort to smile more.
Year 1 had a very smiley day! They hoped that if they put in such an effort to smile themselves, then they might help to put smiles on other peoples faces too!
6/3-Send a letter, card or picture to an adult who is important to you.
This card being picked was a big coincidence as this was they day that we walked to the post box and posted letters. We hope that you have received your letters and enjoy reading them!
7/3- Surprise somebody today. (In a nice way)
Another coincidence! This was because it was world book day. We all came in an array of amazing costumes and we were all pleasantly surprised at each others efforts!
10/3- Look after someone else today.
Today we made an extra effort to make sure everyone was ok. If we saw someone who looked a bit sad we all made sure that they were well looked after.