Year 6 ~ 40 Acts ~ Week 5
Monday ~ Thank the adults who help you!
Many of year 6 thanked their parents for the cooking, helping with homework, buying them things and the cleaning they do.
Tuesday ~ Hold the door for someone today.
This is something year 6 needed to work on and they made a great effort today. Well Done
Wednesday ~ Follow instructions without complaining
Year 6 listening carefully today and made a big effort to listen well.
Thursday ~ Don't interrupt. Listen carefully, you may learn something new.
This was particularly important today as we had SATs boosters, D+T with equipment and the Easter Service. Year 6 did well to listen carefully at all times.
I hope year 6 take part in these remaining challenges over the Easter break.
Friday ~ Tell somebody why you think they are special
Saturday ~ Invite somebody new to join in with your game
Sunday ~Go the whole day without arguing
Over the Easter Holidays;
1) Turn off lights, TV and chargers when you leave a room
2) Don't walk past someone today without saying something kind
3) Be a friend to a shy person
4) Play with a child from another year group
5) Give somebody a nice compliment today
Year 6 have worked hard on the lent challenge and I'm very proud of them.
Happy Easter! :-)
Miss Jones