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Music has a very significant place at our school.
Our Specialist Music Teacher, Mrs Wells, teaches Key Stage 1 classes for 30 minutes twice a week, whereas Key Stage 2 classes have a single lesson for approximately 1 hour. 

Wherever possible the Music Curriculum is closely linked to the topics each class is currently studying whilst covering all aspects of the national curriculum through practical and fun activities.The BBC Ten Pieces project has  opened up new avenues for us as whole classes use the school Ipads to explore these wonderful selected works and respond creatively in lessons. In the Summer Term, 2015, we based our whole school Activity Week on the Ten Pieces. This included a visit by the New Mozart Orchestra and ended with the whole community of parents, staff and children singing in the playground together acompanied by our instrumentalists.
Follow the link below to view the Music Curriculum at High Wycombe Church of England Combined School:
Music Long Term Plan

Joining together to sing and play musical instruments is a vital part of the life of the school, whether in music lessons, assemblies or extra-curricula clubs.
Each year the whole school joins together to perform a musical Christmas Show and all our instrumentalists, from beginners to advanced players, play in the orchestra for the Carol Service. We also hold a very moving semi dramatisation of the Easter story performed in All Saints Church.Year 6 are encouraged to take a lead in these performances, and they always produce a wonderful Leavers' show which is enjoyed by the school and parents alike.
In the Summer term we come together for a wonderfully entertaining concert in which we encourage families and ex pupils to perform alongside our own talented musicians before the audience and performers are encouraged to join in a fun (and often rather silly!) song to end the concert.

Various classes visit our local old people's home to sing for them and Year 5 regularly perform in the Swan Theatre or the Royal Albert Hall in countywide events.

There are 3 choirs - an Infant Choir, a Junior Choir, and "Voices of Stars" which is the Year 6 choir. The Year 5 and 6 Worship Band helps lead our Hymn Practice each week. Recorder players may join a recorder club, and children in Key Stage 2 may take part in a ukulele club.

Instrumental Lessons
Individual and small group Instrumental lessons are offered to children from Year 2-6 by our team of six peripatetic teachers. Year 3 are taught the basics of recorder playing as a whole class during their music lesson and Year 6 learn how to play the keyboard with Mrs Wells. We have recently purchased some ukuleles and in the Spring Term all the children in the school have the opportunity to play them in their music lessons.

This year we have taken part in a couple of whole school singing events, Sign2Sing and SingUp Day.



On 3rd February the whole school took part in an activity organised by the Deaf Health Charity, SignHealth, which helps to give deaf children and adults a brighter and healthier future. We all learned a song and performed it with sign language to some of our Governors.



On 11th March we joined with children from all over the world to learn and perform a song celebrating the power and pleasure of singing together. Out children created their own actions to add to our performance.


Sing Up Day

Summer 2022 Choir lyrics

Choir - Jospeh Lyrics
