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School Open Thurs 14 Jan at 10.00am - click for details

We intend to open on Thursday morning but because of the forecast of icy conditions we will start at 10am. Some staff and pupils are travelling from areas that are very icy and therefore they need time to arrive safely.


Obviously weather conditions may change overnight so we advise parents to check this website before setting off for school in the morning. We will also text parents if there are any changes.                                                                          

Thursday will again be a NON-UNIFORM DAY.  The children must have warm clothing, along with suitable footwear for the snowy conditions - wellies are a must if the children are to go outside. They should also have a change of footwear (e.g. plimsolls) for using indoors.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support during these extremely difficult weather conditions.

Thank you also to those parents who were able to help clear Loakes Road and the parking areas which I am sure will make access tomorrow much easier.


 Mrs C Hawkins