PGL : Photographs and Daily Diary
Please see word files below for PGL Days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5! It was an extremely action packed week!
May 2011
....and now we are half way through the Summer Term. Where has the time gone? Scroll below to the documents to find the Olivia Script.
We will be fundraising too and off to PGl on20th June (see kitlist below)
This term continues to be very exciting for Year 6. On Friday we had an 'Our World Day' when we learnt all about the different countries of the World some rich and some very poor. Playing the World Trading Game was probably everyone's highlight. Great team work Year 6, as well as outstanding creativity in your presentations. I'm sorry that the drama videos are too big to add to our website. Click below to see some photos.
This term has started with so much activity. On Thursday Year 5 and 6 had a 'Show Racism the Red Card'. This was led by Kate Hollingshead with the football skills workshop led by former professional footballer, Luther Blissett! See the photos below and also read Luke's newspaper report in the newspaper section.
This was followed by today's 'Brain Awareness Day'. Y6 were doing 2D-3D smart in the afternoon and some of your stunning artwork can be seen in the gallery below.
What an amazing Class Assembly! (Collective Worship) I was so impressed by you all. We are repeating it on Friday morning so that Mrs. Hawkins can see your talent. (sorry - this will be for the children and teachers only) See the photos added below:
We have had an extremely busy start to the new term. Last week's Team Building Day was a huge success - watch the space below as the photos are added. This week saw an impressive performance at the Harvest Assembly - beautiful playing and singing, year 6. I was very proud of you.
Half-term update - please see the article below about our Year 6 Sharing Assembly (Collective Worship) on Friday 12th November. Scroll below the photos: