Welcome to Owls!

What an amazing performance you gave today, year 6! I was so proud of you. Have a look at the photos below....
Welcome to the Year 6 class page. This Summer term is already half way through! Excitement is building for our PGL trip, as well as for our end ot year production Bugsy Malone. Please make sure that you all see the letters about these two events! Arts Week was great fun - please take a look at some of the photos of the children in the drama workshop, as well as some of their art work
The Spring term had an interesting start. Hopefully, it is going to be a fun term with plenty of activity and hard work in equal measures! Click on the links below to find out more information.
Our busy life continues........ On Tuesday 16th May, the Y6 Enterprise Club held their Fairtrade Coffee Morning. Thank you to those who came and to those who donated money to Fairtrade. We raised nearly £40 for Fairtrade, as well as about £60 for our own Enterprise funds. Take a look at the photos below. I was so impressed by the children's contributions to the event - thanks especially to Toni and Mitchell who introduced Fairtrade, Adam and Kristian for their great quizes, and to all the great cake makers.
Tuesday 23rd February was our World Enterprise Day - this involved us finding out a lot about differenet countries and what they import and export. We played a trading game after break, which really made us think about how poorer countries have to work so hard to trade with richer ones. In the afternoon, each group was given an 'imaginary' place to invent a new product for. The ideas were so creative and fun! Have a look at the photos below.
Football Tournament, 10.2.10: - despite the bitterly cold weather, our two teams remained in high spirits and performed so well. Reports will followsoon on the newspaper section. team A got through to the quarter finals, and only went out because of penalties (felt like England in the World Cup all over again!) Thanks to Mr. Cloke for his support and encouragement. Thank you, too, if you came to watch and missed us as the tournament ended early. Have a look at the action shots below
Year 6 - January 7th 2010.
I have put some work on moodle and also made a document file here on our Owls page (scroll down to documents underneath the photos!) The moodle work is under Maths Spring and Science Spring.
November 6th 2009
What a fantastic performance you gave today, Year 6. The Summer production is looking very promising. I have added quite a few photos from our dress rehearsal. Sorry that some of them are a bit dark. I have also tried to add some videos, but even after compressing the files they are still too big. I will keep trying!
November 2nd 2009
I have added the next instalment of photos from our Team Building Day. Many thanks to Mr. Moffat for taking these. Look out for the final set of photos still to come.......