During the last week of the Spring Term Year 2 took part in the Super Smoothie Challenge. During this week we completed lots of different tasks all based around smoothies. This is what we had to do:
Task 1 - Getting started
We had to find out what a smoothie was and how they are made.
Task 2 - Taste Test
We had to look at smoothies that are already in the shop and use our senses to look at the smoothie, smell the smoothie and then taste the smoothie.
Task 3 - Fact Finding
For this activity we went out to Tesco to look at the different smoothies you can buy in the shops. We had to look at the flavours, the company names and their prices.
Task 4 - Your Company
We had to get into groups to set up our own company. We also had to choose our own company names. Most of us were staff in the company but we also had to choose a manager.
Task 5 - Fruity Mixes
We began to think about the fruits that might work well together in smoothies and also those that would not go well together. Once we had come up with our ideas we had to choose one flavour to be the smoothie that we would make. We then had to come up with a name for our smoothie.
Task 6 - Making Time
For this task we had lots of fun! we had to make our own smoothies! Afterwards we were able to taste them. Luckily most of us liked the smoothies we had made!
Task 7 - Talk to Your Customers
For this task we had to choose some people within the school to taste our smoothie and then answer our questions about it. This is called market research.
Task 8 - The Results
We looked at our questionnaires to see if we could improve our smoothies after talking to people about them. Mostly we were happy with our ideas.
Task 9 - Money Matters
This was a tricky task! we had to use the receipt to work out how much our smoothies had cost to make.
Task 10 - The Design.
Finally we had to think of a label that could go on our smoothie bottle or we could design a poster to advertise our smoothie.
It was a very long week but we all enjoyed ourselves and it was all very healthy!