In maths we have been looking at weighing. The children felt and learnt about the difference between grams and kilograms. We practised weighing objects in grams and understanding that the weighing scales must be even. The children were great at adding up the values of the gram weights.
We have begun reading our new book about Florence Nightingale. We have been researching the beginning of her life and considering the similarities and difference between her and Mary Seacole in a Venn diagram.
Later in the week we continued to discuss Florence Nightingale. We finished reading our book but also researched reasons for her being a nurse and reasons not to be a nurse. We considered the features of a discussion (for and against) before we had a whole class debate with Mrs Ryall being the chair woman and carefully considering both sides of the discussion before she made her final decision of whether Florence should or shouldn’t be a nurse.
Our focus in PSHE has been treated others with respect. We played some games and heavily discussed how it feels if people are left out and what we could all do to make people feel included.
We planned for Year 2 to compete in our class competition. Our Games lesson has focused on orienteering and how we can efficiently move around as effectively as possible.
In Art we have been focusing on drawing. The children have drawn from memory and then from observation. We also considered the thickness of our lines and how we can make our lines a different thickness or shade from how we hold the pencil.