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Week 5

This week, we have started to learn about non-fiction texts.  The children have had the opportunity to browse various information texts and identify their features.  They have begun to format the layout for an explanation poster of their own which we will look into next week.


In maths, children have continued to use number lines and various resources to add and subtract.  They are really beginning to understand that addition can be done in any order and how addition and subtraction are related e.g 6 + 4 = 10, 4 + 6 = 10, 10-4 = 6, 10 - 6 = 4.  We recapped comparing numbers and also had some success in comparing number sentences (eg choosing the symbol to go in between two number sentences 10 + 4 and 15 - 3, which is a tricky concept as involves breaking the problem into two parts.  Well done, Year One!  Keep working hard at maths whizz - it is really starting to click!


In RE, children thought about what they would say to Jesus if he came to town.  In Art, they used the computers to make Jackson Pollock style art work.  PSHE linked nicely to our class collective worship as we discussed different areas of the school and how we can take care of them.  In PE, we completed our class competition - putting to use all of the ball control skills we have learnt this half term with a team relay.


We completed our citizenship project this week - the children have made cards for the residents of Hughenden Garden Village who they considered might be feeling lonely, to wish them a Happy Easter.




Cross curricular write - citizenship project
