Welcome back to a busy week, we started a new topic in science - materials - we sorted objects into metal, wood and plastic.
In literacy we looked a poetry, rhymes and chants and we made up some skipping and clapping rhymes. Unfortunately the rain poured down so we couldn’t go outside to practise them!
The learning behaviour for the week was effective communicators and it was interesting to see how the children coped with giving instructions to draw a house - the results were varied!!
In maths we looked at weight and compared objects, sorting them from lightest to heaviest.
The children had great fun playing ‘ultimate frisbee’ in P.E. - some more accurate then others but there was no doubting their enthusiasm 😁
The week ended with our International day and we found out lots of facts about Indonesia and Cuba - creating batik designs and shadow puppets from Indonesia and learning some slick salsa moves from Cuba!