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Week 1

This week’s learning behaviour: Confident

This month’s Christian Value: Peace


A great full week this week! 


In Literacy we have begun looking at stories with familiar settings. We read ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes and This is the Bear’ by Sarah Craig and discussed similarities and differences. We made some super posters to help Dave find Dogger, where we were focusing on describing using our senses and using adjectives in our writing. We were also using capital letters at the start of a sentence and for names (we will continue with this focus next week) as well as full stops at the end. Some children were using ‘and’ to join ideas together in sentences and were beginning to look at writing questions. 


In Maths we have been focusing on number and place value. We looked at various different ways of representing numbers with objects and drawings - skills the children will continue to develop and use throughout the year, as well as thinking of one more and less than numbers, problem solving and reasoning with number and using related vocabulary eg describing amounts and numbers as ‘greater than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘equal to’. 


In our our topic we described the toys we brought in and have begun to consider how toys might have been different in the past. We will look at this more next week. 


We have been developing our understanding of our Christian value ‘peace’, why this is important and how we can demonstrate it every day. The children have also been displaying great confidence in having a go at independent challenges with no adult help which has been a joy to see at this point in the year. 


Have a a great weekend. 



Some children retelling ‘This is the Bear’

Rhyming challenge

Golden time
