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Week 1

This week the children have worked really hard at getting back into the new routines of school.  They are working really hard at listening carefully to instructions and developing their independence in following them.


In Literacy, we have been reading 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt' by David Axtell.  The children worked really well with their table partner to story map the sequence.  They worked in small groups to retell the story as part of a whole class retell. The week ended with Robin class going on an 'animal hunt' and describing those that they found.


In Maths, they have been practicing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Applying what we know to problems is something we will continue to work on this term.


Of course, the other subjects have been full of exciting learning opportunities.  The children were making careful observations of plants in Science, logging on in computing and searching for animals and creating mini models in art using clay.  They also took part in target practice with various equipment in our alternative PE lesson.  Using the bows and arrows like real archers was a very exciting and challenging experience!


Friday was our whole school 'Brain Awareness Day' and the children enjoyed learning about their long and short term memory.  They used their senses to take part in a variety of activities using their brain muscles! 

