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Week 1

This week the children have been introduced to the new topics for this half term. In Art, we are going to be looking at portraits. Science will be centred around living beings and our geography topic this half term will follow the adventures of Buddy the bee. In PE, the children learnt some Lacrosse skills as part of our alternative PE lessons.


In Maths, we have started the new place value topic, looking at writing numbers 0-20. In Literacy, we are studying 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We have been creating a Year 1 Guide to Earth.


On Friday, the children completed the second part of the Brain Awareness day from last week, looking at the thinking brain. The children drew pictures of what they thought their brains looked like when they were thinking. We also thought about if we like to learn through visuals, audios or doing (kinaesthetically) and had a go at learning dance moves following the different learning styles.

Alternative PE- Lacrosse

Brain Awareness

Literacy- Year 1's Guide to Earth
