Happy New Year! We have had a wonderful first two days back to 2019.
On Thursday we started off with thinking about our Christian Values and how we can show them this year. We then designed a poster to show the values. As part of our Growth mindset learning we read a story called ‘Rosie the Revere Engineer’ and thought about gender stereotypes and discussed how anyone can be anything they want to be. Year Two certainly have lots of aspirations!
We considered what behaviour types make a growth and fixed mindset and designed a poster to find the super effort learner named ‘SEF.
For our class competition we completed an archery challenge which gave us lots of opportunities to practise our growth mindset. All of the children did really well at being safe with the equipment and challenging themselves to persevere and not give up!
On Friday we had a wonderful day identifying our SMARTs hotspots and what we needed to work on. The rest of the day involved a carousel across KS1 to explore different activities linked to the SMARTs. A lot of fun had by all!