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Week 2

We have been washing woolly mammoths in literacy - the children could really use their imaginations to come up with ways to get the mammoth clean, not all of them were overly practical but the instructions were all written well. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next week.


Learning about time in maths has been challenging. There were lots of different numbers and vocabulary  involved so we have tried hard to learn rhymes and patterns to help us remember. Drawing big clocks and using moving hands made answering questions easier.


In other subjects; We have been writing menus for a Stone Age restaurant, forecasting and presenting the weather and looking at healthy and unhealthy foods. We also had Mrs Lyons come to visit us in order to introduce our new science topic - a big thank you for keeping everyone excited and engaged about rocks!


We have started learning our dance for the Christmas play and it's already looking good - we may even make it more complicated as they have all picked it up so quickly. 


This week:

Our Dojo Winners are Maddy and Abigail

Our literacy star of the week is Eliza

Our maths star or the week is Ahyan
