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Week 2

Book week!


It has been an exciting week, where the children have experienced a variety of book themed events. On Monday, the children met the author Anne Miller, who has just had her first book published ‘Micky and those animal spies’.  Throughout the week, Year 4 have been buddy readers with Y1 during our ‘stop everything and read’ times. I have been very proud of how the children in Year 4 have worked with their buddy.

We have had volunteers come in and read to us. Mr Akehurst came in and read an extract from a Harry Potter book on Wednesday and Mrs Robertshaw read on Friday afternoon. We are grateful to both them for giving up their time to read to the children and inspire them to read their books. Also, Miss Plume came into our class on Thursday afternoon as our mystery reader and read us a chapter from her favourite Harry Potter book.

On Thursday, all the children dresses up as book characters, thank you to parents for help organise the costumes. Each member of staff was given some golden tickets to children who had worked particularly hard in a lesson or during the school day. Congratulations to Eliza, Isaac, Yusuf and Ellie who all received a golden ticket during the week.

Despite a busy week, the children have also been looking at writing 

Ultimate frisbee and gymnastics lesson

Golden ticket winners

Our world book day costumes

Mr Akehurst reading and answering questions about Harry Potter
