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Week 2

This week was assessment week so we did not have our usual Maths and Literacy lessons. The children all worked really hard on their assessments and tried their best to answer all the questions as well as they could. I am very proud of them all.


We did still have our usual non-core lessons: we have reached the Bronze age in history and explored artefacts from this time period, we performed our weather forecasts, played Quidditch, learnt about healthy eating and ingredients, continued to learn our Christmas play songs and dance and classified rocks in Science.  


In other areas; this week was Children in  Need so we all dressed up in something that makes us feel good - we had pj's, tiaras, party dresses and much more. We all donated money and talked about how lucky we are to not experience some of the horrible things other children have to live with.


It was also Anti-Bullying week which this year had the slogan "Change starts with us". We had lots of discussions  about respect, how to treat people, banter vs bullying and what to do in various situations. We made pledges to make an effort everyday with our choice of action and anti-bullying posters to raise awareness.


For more Anti-bullying pictures please visit this page on our website:


