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Week 2

WOW!!! What a busy week!


It was Book week and Godly play week so the children have been non-stop and all over the place.


We started looking at a new text type in Literacy and began to explore the features and language used in letters. We also started a new book to give us ideas for our writing.  The children began the week hunting for puzzle pieces and using the clues to put the puzzle together - it was Neverland and therefore our new book is Peter Pan. We then looked at different styles of language used in formal and informal letters before pretending to be Wendy or John and writing home to mum and dad about our adventures in Neverland.


In Maths lessons we have moved onto measure and are focusing on mass. We looked at different ways to measure and record mass before moving onto problem solving and showing our ability to apply our learning to a variety of problem types. 


In other areas; we learnt about Roman numerals in history and cracked codes, looked at where coffee comes from in South America, discussed The Last supper in RE, had great fun with Mrs Russel in Godly play learning about Jesus, continued to develop our tennis skills and then finally, in Science we investigated whether children with longer legs can run faster.


Book week fun:

We have had a visit from an Author who spoke about her exciting new book, we had reading sessions with Reception class and shared our favourite stories, we had stories from parents, teachers and friends, we made book characters out of potatoes, bought in our unwanted books to donate/swap and dressed up as our favourite characters for world book day. We definitely increased our love for reading.
