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Week 2

After lots of work showing of showing the children small parts of the story The Polar Bear Son we finally started to read the story.  We discussed how reading the story with enthusiasm and compassion can help to understanding the plot of the story but also give us an insight to the characters.  We practised reading the story with lots of energy before some of the children performed a piece of the text to the rest of the class. 
In Maths this week we have focused on what methods are most suitable to work out addition and subtraction questions.    Many children were able to use this method and could move onto exchanging with subtraction or regrouping with addition.  If anybody is able to put in extra practise or help out at home please help your child with some extra support. 


The children were learning some sign language in music this week while they were with Mrs Wells. 
Our REAL PE this term has begun focusing on the unit of physical.  The children were practising their ball skills whilst in different positions.  The children understood what positions were harder than others and that how we use our hands can change the direction of where we are throwing the ball.  

For some of our phonics we focus on spelling rules.  Here is a short game we have practised if the children would like to try it at home.

As part of our phonics we were looking at comparative adjectives.  Here is a short game we played to practise.  

Miss Plume's spellings:


Suffix ‘er’: Comparative adjectives






