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Week 2

This week in Maths we have been looking at regular and irregular polygons as well as using our knowledge of shapes to solve problems. We applied lots of different skills to find missing angles, calculate missing sides and solve reasoning questions.


In Literacy we have reached the part of the story where Mary finds the key to the garden. We started with a debate about whether we think Mary should open the gate or not. After that we used our ideas to move on to planning and write a discussion text: Should Mary open the gate?


In other subjects; we wrote newspaper articles about Queen Victoria's visit to High Wycombe, in Geography we had a debate about whether water should be free or not, in DT we tested structures for our bridges, we discussed and wrote about the 10 commandments in RE, practiced our running skills in Athletics and in PSHE we were learning how to stay safe.


We also planted our seeds for our reflect and grow citizenship project- fingers crossed we remember to water them and they grow really tall.
