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Week 2

On Tuesday, Reverend Ellis came to bless the school. He visited every classroom and prayed for all the children, teachers and for the whole school community, before blessing each room with holy water. When he visited our classroom, we were able to share the prayer we had written together.

In Science we explored the planets of our solar system and how long their orbit is. We learned that the length of a planet's orbit (which is the length of its year) depends on how far from the Sun it is. We looked at this by becoming the sun and planet ourselves and by exploring our orbits on the playground! Can you guess who is which planet?

In P.E., our topic is 'Physical'. This has kept us moving quite a bit! We have had to be co-ordinated; we've had to communicate well and we've had plenty of practice developing our skills in ball sports with some of Year 6 Owls whilst others are swimming.

In Computing, our work on exploring programs to create tessellating designs continues and our designs are getting more complex. We are really enjoying this topic.

In Literacy, we have been writing some non-chronological reports about our Science topic - 'Space'.
