Assessment Week.
I am SO proud of every single child in Year Two for their approach to this week. They have ALL got on with the tasks at hand with a positive growth mindset. Our learning behaviour this week was to be 'supportive of everyone' and it was a delight to hear them encouraging one another to 'try their best' and 'not give up' in all that they have done.
Alongside the maths and literacy assessments we did continue with our learning in other subjects.
Following the start of our Science experiment we looked closely at the results and discussed what had happened before recording this in our books, comparing if our predictions were correct.
In History we reviewed the events of the Great Fire of London, creating a class timeline and then sequencing events in our own zig zag books.
In PSHE we considered how we could show acts of kindness and chose the name of a class member at random who we would try to show an act of kindness to during the week either by saying something nice to them, writing them a note and leaving it in their coat pocket, bringing in a special 'free' gift (conker, stone etc) etc. We also explored conflict resolution through drama and the theme of 'anti-bullying week' which was 'Choose Respect'.
In RE our lesson took us through the Christmas story and we created advent calendars using images and symbols in the story.
Our week finished with a fabulous day of dressing up and assembling to think about Children in Need (Thank you to the parents for putting together the costumes, they all looked great!) as well as a VERY well earned golden time.