There were no literacy or maths lessons this week due to it being assessment week. This is not the children's favourite week but they all tried their best to concentrate and plough through the assessments answering the questions as best as they could.
In the afternoons we tried to make it as active and practical as possible as they had been sitting and working in silence for most of the mornings. History this week gave us the chance to transform into hunter-gatherers and go out looking for food. Prehistoric beasts were hidden around the playground for children to hunt as well as berries and nuts lying around for the children to gather. We continue to learn volley ball skills and our Christmas play dance in games and PE - both seem to be coming along nicely. Back to rocks in science with grouping and describing different types, rain was geography's lesson (which was easy as we have lots of first hand experience of this type of weather) and market research in DT to discover our sandwich likes and dislikes. We also managed to squeeze in Anti-bullying week activities and Children in Need lessons so no time for resting this week.
This week:
Our Dojo Winner is Eshan
Our learning behaviour star of the week is Jalah
Our star or the week is Isabelle