In literacy we completed our topic on performance poetry. The children performed The sound collector and then wrote their own versions of the poem using city sounds. Excellent writing. They then had the chance to perform their own versions of the poems in groups with actions and sounds.
In maths we experimented with mass. We learnt how to use scales, weigh things, add and subtract measurements and then solve problems. Lots of practical application which the children loved.
In other news:
We worked in pairs to create sequences in P.E, closely examined more packaging designs to get some ideas for our DT projects, learnt where coffee comes from and how it is produced in geography, coloured by numbers in french and investigated whether longer legs make you run faster in science.
Friday was Red Nose day and the class looked great. Eliza also won the design a nose competition for KS2 but a big well done to everyone who entered. Thank you to everyone who bought in donations and helped raise money.
This week:
Our Dojo Winner is Isabella
Our star or the week is Jake