This was our last week writing shape poems. We used The Twits for inspiration and came up with lots of disgusting descriptive words. We also looked at ways to incorporate onomatopoeia into our writing. We wrote about Mr Twit and his horrible beard and Mrs Twit and her slimy eye.
In Maths this week we learnt about 2D and 3D shapes. We found lines of symmetry, identified and described shapes using their properties and learnt how to find the perimeter.
In other areas; we started our art work for the Christmas display, investigated how rocks are used around school, wrote discussion texts about whether we should visit Antarctica, thought about what it would be like to be a copper child during The Bronze Age, discovered how and why it rains and conducted market research for our DT project. We also had Godly Play - we looked at the story of Moses and reflected on the meaning of the story and how we should treat others.
This week was road safety week so in our PSHE lesson we looked at how to stay safe as a pedestrian and as a passenger.
It was also mufti day on Friday so we were allowed to wear our own clothes if we bought in a donation for the Christmas Fayre.