We started our week with our Godly Play session with Mrs Russell. I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the session this time. The children listened and behaved beautifully to the creation story. They enjoyed discussing questions they had and concluded with some really thoughtful prayers.
In literacy this week, following on from ‘Friendship Friday’ we concluded our instruction writing with a friendship recipe. We then went on to explore using our senses and think of adjectives to describe natural objects. We wrote phrases and verses for a poem in which we gave thanks for all our senses can do. A particularly lovely phrase written, ‘Thank you for all my tongue can taste, yummy chocolate and minty toothpaste’.
In maths we have concluded our work on number for this term by comparing amounts, numbers and ordering numbers. I look forward to seeing the children apply their knowledge of number further when we move onto looking at various measures of time, length and money over the next few weeks.
We explored China as a country in the continent of Asia this week. We found out where it was on google earth and maps and explored a little more about what happens in Chinese culture.
We listened to Oriana the PCSO and our JRSOs deliver important information about road safety on Friday. We had great fun exploring this further back in class. Don’t forget to Stop, Look, Listen, Think! Also just a reminder about the road safety poster competition. Please bring entries for Monday. And also remember to ‘be bright be seen’ by accessorising with something fluorescent, bright and/or reflective on Monday.
I hope your your homes are filled with the songs and dances of our Christmas play, ‘Superstar’. Words and tracks can be found on the website. Please keep practising all of them! Thanks for your support.