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Week 3

Well done to the children on another great week!


We have read the story 'Knuffle Bunny' in Literacy, which is about another child who loses their toy.  They listened to part of the story and then practised their skills of prediction, by thinking about what would happen next.  They also created some super story mountains - sequencing the opening, problem, solution and ending.  Next week, the children will be creating story mountains for their own stories and writing them down.


In Maths, we have been trying to crack subtraction!  Children have worked hard to understand that we start with the biggest number and can cross out pictures to take away.  They have solved and written some super subtraction word problems!  Please continue to practise maths whizz for weekly homework - Mon - Thurs for 30-40 minutes.  The children have also enjoyed this subtraction game this week: 


Science was all about nocturnal and not nocturnal animals.   

The children have been working really hard in their weekly mile efforts, PE lessons where they have been developing their ability to jump with half and quarter turns, and of course, Christmas dance practice is well under way!


As part of friendship week, we read texts 'Elmer' by David Mckee and 'Friends' by Kim Lewis.  Children thought about how they are a good friend and created a friendship wreath to share their ideas.  They drew pictures of what they enjoy doing with their friends and made lists and notes about what makes a good friend. 


Please continue to practice singing songs at home using the website link sent out.


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Kemp


What was Knuffle Bunny trying to say?!

Some maths

Weekly mile
