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Week 3

In Literacy, we have started a new book 'Monstersaurus' following a young boy and his monster inventions. The children designed their own inventions and came up with monster names. In Maths, we are looking at height and length. The children had fun measuring items around the classroom using cubes.


We have been preparing fruit in DT this week, ready for making fruit salads in a couple of weeks. In history, we followed a virtual heritage trail around High Wycombe to find out more about important places and monuments. In RE, Year 1 have been continuing to look at Judaism and Shabbat. In PE, we have been beginning to put together gymnastic moves to create sequences.


Lots of fun was had on Red Nose Day, especially taking part in an Egg and Spoon Race led by Year 6!

DT- Food Preparation

PE- Gymnastics Sequences

Collective Worship- What are our talents?
