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Week 3 - Kindness

Lent Challenges – Be the change…Kindness

Week 3 - 6th March 2023

This week our ‘Kindness challenges have been:

  1. Let people go ahead of you all day.
  2. Say a nice thing about someone to somebody else.
  3. Leave an encouraging note for someone.
  4. Give someone a nice compliment.
  5. Hold the door open for someone.

Class Collective worship:

In our Class Collective Worship we listened to the story in the Bible where David shows kindness to Mephibosheth. We talked about how David didn’t need to do what he did: he was the King and could have – and do – anything that he wanted. He chose to reach out to a poor. Crippled boy, and show him the most generous kindness by bringing him to live in his palace. We reflected on what stood out to us in the story and how we can show kindness to others.


Pupil Thoughts:

How and why was David kind to Mephibosheth?

  • Olenka: he didn’t want to make him sad or upset.
  • Lucy - I think he showed kindness because he wanted to help others learn about kindness
  • Alexander – David showed no matter what you can become friends with your enemies
  • Nashe – David showed forgiveness to his enemies
  • Emily – he showed us what God wants us to do to be kind

Why should we be kind?

  • “When you are kind and help people it makes them feel special and they smile more. Sometimes when people are sad being kind makes them feel better.”- William (Reception).
  • Lois – God will be happy if we show kindness
  • Eva – if you’re kind to someone then they might be kind to others and so on
  • Chrsitine – even if someone did something bad to you, you should forgive them, 2wrongs don’t make a right


How can you show kindness?

  • “I will help my mummy cook and wash to dishes.” – Robbie (Reception)
  • Areesa: I try to share with others.
  • Ezra K: when someone is hurt, I try to help them up.
  • Khalia – I will show kindness to everyone. If they feel left out I will let them join my game.
  • Amara – If someone is carrying too much stuff you can help them
  • Alex K – I gave a compliment to someone in the class and made them happy
  • Amira – “I told Emily that I thought she was good at acting.”

How are you going to be kind today?

  • Lois – I am going to play with Hannah because it her birthday and her friends are going swimming.
  • Eshaal – I am going to look for lonely people in the playground to play with.
  • Lucy – I am going to see if anyone is hurt and try to make them feel better.

