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Week 4

What a great week!


I must commend your children for their efforts and success this week in maths. They have been multiplying pictures, using arrays and solving word problems with multiplication. All children succeeded this week and the maths star could have gone to everyone! Well done Year 2. Next week we will be looking at the inverse - division!


In Literacy, we have taken a short break from narrative to explore instructions. We tried to follow instructions that were given badly to think about what they needed to be like, we played barrier games to think about giving clear instructions and we worked with a friend to highlight features in a set of instructions. We have begun to develop a word bank for imperative ‘bossy’ verbs. Next week we will be planning and writing a Julia Donaldson inspired recipe.....


The timing of the snow fall brought much joy as we were writing part of our global explorers guide for ‘Antarctica’ at the time. It was wonderful to actually go outside and get a slight feel for how it would be visiting the coldest parts of the planet (minus several more degrees!). The children thought of lots of similes afterwards to describe the snow, one of our favourites was ‘it’s like huge pieces of polar bear fur falling from the sky!’ It really was!


We have been pivoting in netball, drawing postcards from hot and cold countries in Art and used our imagination to write postcards from these places in cross curricular writing. 


In PSHE we listened to a story called ‘My mouth is like a volcano’ and we thought about things we could do when we find it difficult to not interrupt so that we control ourselves. 





Maths - making arrays to multiply

PE netball - pivots!
