Fractions in maths - This week we have discovered that the key to mastering this topic is to teach it through pizza slices, cake slices or sweets. Despite these being illustrations and no eating occurring, the children all did really well and fully grasped the concepts covered. They all have a good level of knowledge and application which they can further develop next week.
They are continuing to work on their skills in PE and Games. In Science they were challenged to move a heavy box without picking it up. After a few attempts , they realised all they had to do was push or pull it with minimal effort but they showed good problem solving skills and encouraging team work.
There has been lots of performing this week.
Literacy this week has shown us we have some budding young actors and actresses in the class. We have been looking at performing play scripts from The Twits as well as writing our own versions.
I have included a video from Mr Burgin of the children singing in french (complete with finger puppets) Enjoy!
Unfortunately I was not at the Harvest Festival. However, I would like to say a MASSIVE well done to year 3 for all their effort and participation in the service. They all learnt their lines so quickly and worked hard to make all those loaves and fishes in order to feed the 5000. I have had lovely feedback on their behaviour and performance which was great to hear.
This week:
Our Dojo Winner is Jake
Our literacy star of the week is Ahyan
Our maths star or the week is Eliza