Maths has been lots of fun experimenting and investigating with 2D and 3D shapes. We have identified the properties of a variety of shapes and started to look at how to find their perimeter. In Literacy we have started our new fiction text - Stone Age Boy. The children have enjoyed this book and loved that they could discuss it using their knowledge from their History lessons. We have linked the topics to begin looking at non-chronological reports and identifying the features of this text type.
In other news:
Continuing with our weather topic, we used our art skills to portray rain through different painting styles. Sandwich tasting went down well (only a few children were spotted picking the healthy salad out). Accuracy is improving in volleyball. Rehearsals for the Christmas play continue and the children are putting in 100% effort. Christmas decorations and discussions in RE. Science investigations were carried out - sorting and classifying rocks.
This week:
Our Dojo Winner is Elijah
Our learning behaviour star of the week is Anais
Our star or the week is Elijah