Literacy this week has been inspired by ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. The children created alternative titles and story mapped and wrote their own versions. I was delighted with their motivation and independence in being the authors of their own story. They look forward to you reading these at parents evening.
In maths this week we have continued to explore addition by counting all objects, counting on from a number eg Not starting at 1 every time as in 6 + **** = and using a number line to make jumps to add and find missing numbers. Using a number line to calculate is a strategy we will continue to develop in year one alongside the use of practical equipment.
In computing, we have begun our unit ‘we are treasure hunters’. The children took turns to be the programmer and the robot-pirate. They had to give directions to get to the treasure. I didn’t manage a photo of their faces when the ‘treasure’ was revealed but it was quite a spectacle of shock as some of them thought they would be getting sweets. :-D Ask your child what the treasure was!
The children that represented us at the football tournament did so well, battling on through the rain and returning with some wins and draws among their scores. I was delighted that the news they shared on return was that they ‘took risks’ and were ‘determined’ - awesome growth mindsets - we are very proud of them.
All of the class did so well in the church for harvest too, with a lot of positive feedback for their excellent behaviour. Well done year one!