This week we have been fitting rehearsals for the Christmas play in around our lessons. The children are doing really well with learning all the dances and songs for the performance and they can't wait to have a proper audience.
In Literacy we started our non-chronological report writing. We looked at the structure and features of this genre of writing. We are using The Stone Age Boy book for inspiration and ideas and at the end of this week we wrote paragraphs about food during The Stone Age. We also used the story to help us write diary entries in our cross curricular writing lesson.
In maths we have moved on to data handling. The children have collected data using tally charts and presented the data to each other. The have been working really hard on interpreting different types of tables and answering questions on different sets of data.
In other news: we have practiced keeping the ball off the floor in volleyball, we had great fun painting rain inspired art (sorry about the blue freckles on all your children), investigated soil in science, continued with our market research in DT looking at existing products and finding out which fillings we all like, made stick men dance in computing and discussed the true meaning of Christmas in RE.