What another super week in Year One!
The children have been extremely attuned to the week's learning behaviour - I have been very impressed with their increasing 'independence' in being responsible for their learning. 'Effort' and trying to 'show me their best learning ever!' is a frequent topic of discussion and I am really pleased with how they are motivated to rise to this challenge often!
In Literacy, the children created their own 'We're going on lion hunt' inspired repeating pattern stories. A unicorn, a crocodile and alien were just a few of the creatures being hunted and I really enjoyed reading their beautifully presented story books.
In Maths, we have been looking at place value in numbers to 50 and problem solving with these. Representing these numbers in different ways has really helped the children understand what the digits mean. As always, all have been working hard on reasoning and problem solving with these numbers.
In Science, we are continuing our topic about materials and made some super riddles in cross curricular write to explore this alongside our literacy work on adjectives. RE involved reflecting on the story where Jesus calmed the storm. PE we continued our throwing and catching skills and in Art, some super paintings inspired by Jackson Pollock were created.