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Week 4


We began the week by reading some of the book A Ticket Around the World.  The children then looked at some of features of a fiction and non fiction piece of text where they then sorted it into a vent diagram.


The children were then labelling some of the features of a non chronological report before we started to research interesting facts about the United Kingdom. 

Getting active

We love doing some movement breaks between our learning.  We especially like some of the dances on go noodle!
Our focus in Geography was looking at some of the different countries within Europe.  They then designed a flag from one of the European countries. 
In science this week the children were testing the durability of materials so we can design Paddington a new coat. 
Our focus in cricket this week was receiving a ball. We tried to encourage the children to think about how they could receive a ball whilst having to think about their surroundings and their team.  The children participated in a number of exercises which they thoroughly enjoyed whilst incorporating an element of competitiveness. 